Online Reputation Management (ORM) – The New SEO Focal Point

After the latest changes by Google, Online Reputation Management or ORM has become more important than ever. Filling web pages with keywords have taken a backseat as SEO Experts are now more focused on the applauses and criticism which the already posted sites attract. It is no longer important to just stay visible. The image which is being portrayed by or inferred from the existing visibility is equally important. Online Advertising and Online Marketing have been rudely woken up to the fact that lesser visibility is far better than higher visibility with a negative impact.

What Is ORM?

You must have tried searching your own name in Google and become delightfully fascinated when links to your Facebook, LinkedIn, and other online profiles appeared in the results. The nature of results which appear in this manner is your Online Reputation. Similarly, the kind of results (not the ranking) which appear prominently in Google’s search results, when the name of the organization is searched for, is its Online Reputation. The most common way of analyzing the reputation which a business has online is to study the reviews and comments which appear at the websites that are prominently visible.

Why Is ORM Important?

Due to Google’s new change, the ranking of a website now depends more on the interactions attracted by its content than the number of keywords. With sharing of links becoming popular in social websites like Facebook, Google+, and twitter, reviews and discussions on the content are readily available. Google’s new algorithm ensures that the prominence of the page is directly proportional to the number of such reviews and discussions. The problem occurs when your website attracts negative reactions and those links get highlighted in the search results. This can not only push away your clients and customers to your competitors but also cause damage to the reputation of your business.

How Do ORM Service Providers Do?

The ORM Service providers and ORM Experts strategically publish SEO Content that creates good reviews. This pushes the links with negative comments and reviews lower down the search rankings. Even though ORM is prone to unethical means like fake comments made through fake accounts and sites, any good ORM Expert will know that unethical ORM practices do not pay in the long run.

ORM Services have become crucial for your online presence. An online presence without Online Reputation Management is like putting out wares for sale without caring about the kind of responses that they are attracting.

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